May 16, 2013 by Suellen Lindquist
Mom's DAY RUN 2013
My mom didn't know the legacy she would leave. She did say she
wished she could do more to raise awareness and money for VHL.
So after she passed away, I made a promise that I would do
The Mom's Day Run was born on May 8, 2011. 48 family and friends
showed up to run or walk our little race. We raised $1500.
This year was our 3rd Annual Mom's Day Run and 161 people came and
we raised $4990! I walked out to the first turn. I wanted to take Starting Line
photos and catch shots of the participants as they passed me by. As I turned
towards the Starting Line, my eyes brimmed with tears. "Momma, can you believe
this?" "Look, what we've done." My heart was overflowing with pride.
I kept a promise...
May 16, 2013 by Suellen Lindquist
My sister Robin with my mom and me.
We lost my sister to a tragic accident on March 21, 2013
You never ever imagine getting "that call", that someone you love
has been killed
in a horrible accident.
My sister was walking down the street and was hit by a car that
lost control.
An awful accident.
My sister and I had a typical sister relationship. We shared a
room growing up, we shared secrets...she was my little sister and I miss her so
A box arrived the other day. …it was on the counter when I got
home. A little brown box about this big. It just sat there, this little brown
box. I knew it was coming…and that this was just one stop along way…
Robin was born on a Wednesday morning in the summer of 1962. Mom
didn’t want to wait at the hospital when she could wait out her labor at home.
She waited till the last possible moment before going to the hospital. She was
taken up to delivery while dad filled out the paperwork downstairs. ….Robin
didn’t wait…she was delivered before dad made it upstairs.
Robin came into the world with a yell. This tiny, crying,
screaming little being would be my little sister. More than that, she was our
baby sister. As older siblings, it’s a given that you look after the younger
ones. It’s an unwritten rule. So, I made sure she didn’t eat something she
wasn’t supposed to, or stick her finger in the light socket. I walked her to
school, and made sure she didn’t dress funny. We shared a room, we shared
secrets, we shared hopes and dreams. I enjoyed being Robin’s big sister. I liked
to believe that I could look after her, protect her…and keep her safe.
Robin was just 4 feet 11 inches tall, (but she would tell you 4
feet 11 ½ inches tall) . She was loud, but not in a negative way…being the
youngest, she just wanted to make sure she was heard. She never let you forget
that she was the youngest and she enjoyed all the perks with being the baby of
the family…and Mom’s favorite.
Some of you knew my sister as Bobbie. If you did, you were in a
select group of people. Shana, the oldest of her nieces and nephews started
calling her Bobbie, and it just stuck. All of the nieces and nephews called her
Bobbie. Some called her: My Bobbie.
If you were in the “My Bobbie” club, you might have had nick
names. Like, Honey Bunch, Sugar Plump and she’d end conversations with “Smooches
or Toodles”. With Bobbie, you shared exciting adventures. She was loud, she was
funny, she was creative, and fun. It didn’t hurt that she was just a little
taller than you were. She would build forts with sheets and pillows. She would
have water balloon fights, sometimes food fights. She made popcorn and let you
stay up late. She would let you watch shows your parents wouldn’t let you watch.
She would bake cookies and tell stories that made you laugh until you cried.
She would often catch the kids trying to measure their own height
with hers. If you were taller than Bobbie, you were grown up. No matter how old
you were. No matter how tall you were, she would wrestle you to the ground and
sit on you, and yell “I’m Queen of the Mountain!”…and she was.
Robin was Queen of the Mountain.
I asked family members to give me one word that would describe
Robin. In this list, there is one word that will seem out of place. It isn’t…but
you’ll have to ask my Uncle Rob to tell you the story behind it. Here is the
- Endearing
- Funny
- Loving
- Scrappy
- Fiesty
- Smart
- Creative
- Stubborn
- Sweet
- Loyal
- Boisterous
- Cowabunga
- Fun
- Awesome
- Fearless
My sister was the youngest and she used that to her benefit. When
we were younger and often times bored, we’d always look for something to get
into. Robin, always a willing participant would join in on the fun. Mostly
mischeavious fun but sometimes “we’re gonna get it kinda fun”. When things would
get a little dicey, while we were on one of these adventures, Robin (maybe the
smartest one of the three) would make it home before me and Steve to tell on us.
Mom would be waiting, hand on her hip, tapping her toe…and Robin with that big
old grin hiding behind her. Robin never got into trouble, at least that’s how I
remember it. She’d probably tell you different, because she was the good
daughter and mom’s favorite. Steve and I teased her merclessly, I guess that’s
what siblings do.
When we were in our teens, Robin was 16 yrs old, she had a credit
card, a bank account, she worked two jobs and was going to school. Out of the
three of us, I always believed she’d be the most successful. She was determined,
ambitious and confident. She held the world I her hand.
So, how do you measure success? Is it a piece of paper on the
wall? Is it your bottom line? Is it material things? I think Robin’s success was
in the relationships she made. Her nieces and nephews adored her. And she them.
I read somewhere, that when you’re laying on your death bed, you
aren’t wishing that you had spent more time at the office, …I believe the things
that are most important are the relationships that you’ve built. It’s the hugs,
it’s the” I love you’s”…it’s the time spent. Robin gave that time...
I wish I had spent more time with my sister. I wish I had done a
better job at being a big sister.
I asked the kids to share a story about Bobbie. I wanted to share
more of who she was. But, there are too many storys to mention. The kids all
loved hanging out with Bobbie…she had the ability to make a lot of fun out of
nothing and they were the best times.
Robin was loved, she was cared about and she had a family who will
miss her so much.
A little brown box arrived the other day…and I will take great
care of this precious little box, until I carry it to its destination. I will
make sure you arrive safely, then release you into the sea. I will visit you at
dawn when I run along the shores, I will see you in the sunset as I walk along
the sand…and I will miss you every day. I love you Robin and will miss you very
May 16, 2013 by Suellen Lindquist
My mom was my hero. She lost her sight at the age of 25, she had 3
small children.
I don't remember her not being blind. I was about 5 years old and
I don't think I really understood what was going on...but I remember her being
brave and strong...and she kept moving forward. To me, she was
Later, as I grew older, I would think about how hard life was for
her. Raising children is hard enough with your vision. We were brats and I know
we drove her crazy. We'd laugh about those days later but, when I had children
of my own...I imagined the terror she must have experienced. My mom was
She was kind, she was gracious, she would give you the shirt off
of her back, even if she didn't have it to give, she would give.
We learned about VHL when we were kids...and VHL has evolved from
being "just an eye disease" to a "cancer syndrome" We were told if we had no
symptoms by the time we were 20 years old...we wouldnt "get it". Interesting
statement...because you don't "get it". You have it or you don't.
Fast forward to 1994...I worked for Warner Bros at the time. We
had just gotten a new insurance and I was browsing through the book and saw a
name I recognized. Dr. Bradley Straatsma (you can google him). He was the same
doctor that diagnosed my mother back iin 1962. I had just been seen by an
opthamologist a few months prior but made the appointment anyways. Not even an
hour into the appointment, I found out that I had VHL. We called in the entire
family to get scanned. My brother had it too. Dr. Straatsma would arrange the
surgery for my brother, since he had not insurance. We will be forever grateful
to Dr. Straatsma and all of the work he has done for us and other VHL patients.
UCLA has a VHL Clinic now...this has been a lifesaver.
UCLA is a teaching hospital, so when you have a rare disease...all
of the residents come in to take a look. I had my first surgery then. There
would be 7 more.
It's a strange feeling when you are diagnosed with a disease. I
mean, I always new of the possibilitiy but when you get the actual dianosis,
it's a totally different deal. I didn't cry, I didn't get mad, I wasn't
sad...not until I heard my mother's voice crack when I told her I too have VHL.
I think, she felt responsible... I didn't understand the totality of that moment
until, my daughter Shana was diagnosed.
There is nothing worse than knowing you've passed something like
this onto your child. And nothing can prepare you for the the terror that each
surgery brings. We say our prayers, I try so hard to be strong because my
children need me to be strong. They look to me for this strength. I cry when I'm
alone...I regroup and I keep moving forward.
We've since learned not to worry about what we can not control. We
have a thing in our family that: We do; not worry about it until we have
something to worry about. This means...that no matter how many scans they do, or
how many times they call you back for a redo, or no matter what kind of face the
DR makes...we do not worry until we have something to worry about. We are VHL
WARRIORS...we fight one battle at a time. That's what we do.
When Shana had her last surgery in April 2011, it was a terrifying
thing since we had just lost our mom to the same type of surgery. I prayed that
my mother would hold her in her arms, keep her safe and comfort her. When Shana
woke up she said: "Grandma was here, she brushed the hair from my face, like she
did when I was little".
And if...that SOMETHING comes up, we gather the troups, we huddle
together in prayer, we gain strength from each other and know, that my precious
mother is watching over us.
My family is but one...there are so many others out there fighting
the fight, no mater what type of cancer it matter what illness. They all
need your help.
Please give what you can...every little bit helps.
Thank you xoxo
SIDE NOTE: A few years ago my uncle put a Family DVD
together. There were snapshots and video's of our family going back to the 50's.
There was one shot, that is seared into my brain forever...a video, of my
mother. It was in the 60's, we were small and goofing off for the camera. And
then there was this one shot (video) where she was looking into the
camera...I've never known what it felt like to have my mother look at me. What a
glorious gift...I don't think my Aunt and Uncle even know...but I will treasure
that small gift for the rest of my life.
May 15, 2013
I promised my mom...that I would do whatever I could to raise
money and awareness for Cancer Research. Am I doing enough? I always ask myself
that question. Could I do more...? The greatest gift we can give is of
ourselves. Our time, our efforts... our help.
My mom passed away on August 2, 2010 from a Cancer Syndrome. Since
then, I've helped raise almost $10,000 for Cancer Research. I will keep my
promise to do whatever I can to raise money and awareness for Cancer Research.
I am participating in the Team in Training, NIKE Half Marathon in
San Francisco. That's 13.1 Miles. I am running to help find a cure. I will run
in Memory of my Mom and in Honor of my daughter (who has the same
Did you know that Team in Training has raised over 1.2 Billion
dollars for Cancer Research with help from folks like you. You can donate now by
clicking the button and donate whatever you can...$5, $10, $ amount is
too small, because if we all give a little, it will turn into a lot.
Today, I will ask all my friends and family to please donate
whatever you can. The need is great, the cause is worthy and someday because of
your dollar...we will find a cure!
Thanks in advance for your love and support.
<3 4 Mom
xoxo, Suellen
This makes me want to STAND UP and FIGHT!. Fight for those
who can not, for those who won't and for those that don't know they have
something to fight for....
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points
out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them
better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face
is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who
comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and
shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great
enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at
the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst,
if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never
be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do
something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.
~Edward Everett Hale
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he
could only do a little. ~Edmund Burke
Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.
~Author Unknown