Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom! ~ July 31, 2011

A year ago today, we spent your birthday together.  You were surrounded by your children, grand children and great grand children.  We never imagined that two days later you'd be gone.

July 31, 2010
  As I look at this photo...I remember.  I remember that I was concerned.  Something was wrong.  I never guessed that VHL had reared it's ugly head.  You were 71 years old and never complained of headaches or dizziness.  It was Aunt Val who mentioned...maybe???

The next day was the beginning of a horrific nightmare.  This week has been difficult for your family.  Not that we haven't been grieving for the last 363 days but because each day takes your farther and farther away.

Remember, way back read a book about Edgar Cayce.  You were intrigued about his life and mission.  I later read the book and we would have discussions about life and the hereafter.  We talked about these things for hours and hours.

Last week, I went onto the ARE website, dedicated to his readings and found one regarding "Coping with the Loss of a Loved One".

It read:

Coping With the Loss of a Loved One

Doves FlyingOf all the helpful information from the Edgar Cayce philosophy, one of the most comforting is the promise that life is continuous; our time on earth is just one aspect of a soul’s journey of growth and transformation through time. Not only will we meet our loved one again beyond the veil we know as physical death, but our relationship with them will continue as well.
Cayce suggests that one of the greatest gifts we can give to someone who has passed on is to pray for them. And most importantly, to pray that they will recognize that they have moved on from earthly life, and now have the opportunity to continue their soul development in a different way. Cayce says that those we love on the other side are actually as close to us as our thoughts, and we can be most helpful to those individuals by focusing on the happy, joyful times together, and releasing – as much as we can – the sadness and grief we feel at their passing.

We went to church today.  Jeff delivered a beautiful Liturgy.  In the prayer he asked for prayers for family members who were struggling with their health.  I cried.  A woman sitting next to me laid her hand on my arm.  That touch meant so much.  Just a touch from a stranger, who doesn't know my story.  It was thoughtful and very nice.

Edgar Cayce learned that we are here on this earth to love one another.  Very simple...and today's sermon was about loving one another despite our differences. 

So today, I'll look forward...knowing you can hear me and try not to be sad.  Mom, go forward, live, love and be joyful.  I know you can see us...

I love you,  see you soon,


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